CLEAN ION WST-1 Wrist Strap Tester

CLEAN ION WST-1 Wrist Strap Tester is a push button tester designed for fast, frequent testing of ESD personnel grounding devices.
The WST-1 Tester incorporates a unique testing circuit design which improves accuracy of testing and the reliability of the tester. The WST-1 is equipped with a 800K ohm and 10M ohm circuit, ideal for testing of wrist straps.
Test parameters are factory set but can be adjusted to match your own specifications. The WST-1 is very simple to operate. A green light signals the user that everything is fine. A red or orange light means that the circuit resistance is either too low or too high.

The Wrist Strap Tester can be operated either on battery or AC power. The unit comes equipped with a 9 volts alkaline battery. For AC operation, plug the optional AC adapter into the mini phone jack located on the bottom left hand corner of the tester. AC adapters are sold separately.

Low Battery Indicator
The Wrist Strap Tester includes a low battery indicator circuit, if the indicator LED turn on during use, discontinue testing and replace the battery. The tester will continue to operate with a weak battery, but results should not be considered accurate.
The battery can be easily replaced by removing the battery compartment cover on the back of the unit. Use a new 9 volts alkaline battery only.

General Instructions
In the following test configurations, the WST-1 can be used to test wrist straps while they are worn. Insertion of the banana plug of the wrist strap cord activates the wrist strap tester circuit.
This test safely checks that a continuous path between the operator, wrist strap and ground cord exists. The Wrist Strap Tester is specifically designed to perform this test with greater accuracy.
a. While wearing the wrist strap, plug the banana plug end of the cord into the jack on the face of the unit.
b. Press the metal test button so that the unit activates. Hold down for 1-3 seconds.
c. Lighting of the green "PASS" LED indicates that the wrist strap and ground cord assemblies are functioning properly.
d. If either red "LO" or "HI" LEDs light and the audible indicator sounds, the wrist strap wearer should check the wrist strap assembly immediately.


Technical Data
Operating Voltage: 9V
Low warning: < 800K ohms
High warning: > 10M ohms
Operating Temp. : 0 - 40oC
Storage Temp. -10 to 50oC
Dimension: 70L x 100H x 25W

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