Ionisers - A502

The A502 is a unique combination of the highly successful and much used A401 inductively coupled shockless ionising bar and a specially designed linear air amplifier. Compressed air is fed into either of or both end air fittings of the air curtain (dependent on length). The compressed air exits through the aperture marked (a) on the technical drawing and then flows over the radius of the machined head of the air curtain. At this point the air is drawn down tightly to the air curtain head producing & thin blade of air that passes over the A401 ionizing bar. This blade of air then becomes intensely ionized. Re-combination of negative and positive ions is much reduced by both the speed of the airflow and the laminar non-turbulent nature of the airflow. The velocity and directional change of the blade of air (90 degrees to the exit aperture) encourages the entrainment of surrounding ambient air producing a total volume of air within the blade, some 20 times greater than the volume of compressed air consumed.
Not only does the unique design make full economic use of your compressed air supply due to its amplification characteristics but further it both reduces noise levels and increases the range of ionization from 25mm to an astonishing 2000mm and beyond. The durable body of the A502 is machined from two pieces of extruded aluminum, which are later anodized for protection against oxidization. The high velocity and the volume of the air flow enhances the ionisational performance of the A401 shockless ionising bar which produces bipolarionised air allowing efficient rapid neutralization of static changes of both polarities.

A 502

High velocity compressed ionised air curtain

Operating voltage
7 kV + or - 10%
A301m or A3017
100mm to1000 mm
H.V. Cable
2000mm standard
2 kg per meter + or - 10%
See drawing
M4 studs
Air pressure
2-8 bar
Typically at 5 bar(80 psi)
Electrode pins

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