KOSTAT Conductive & Static Dissipative Tile

An establishment of measures against pollution in the wake of fast advancement of up-to-date industries necessitates speedy and appropriate actions. Recently, the fast revolving electronics and information/communication industries is prompting the extreme integration and intellectualization of industries and life styles. Full utilization of this facility, however, requires sufficient consideration for application environment, so to speak, a way to check electrostatic influence. The effects of electrostatic influence is rather serious, and many of the incidents including damage to super integrated circuits in semiconductor production lines and loss of valuable data from malfunction of computer as well as inadvertent ignition of inflammable and explosions and contagion in hospital and post operation have been proven a result of electrostatic work. When two objects with electrostatic charge come into contact orfnction, electron movement occurs with electrification to positive and negative poles, which are stationary at the points of mutual contact. A direct action against these points will cause instantaneous electric discharge, resulting into a damage to products or, pollution or malfunction from contact of two objects with opposing electric poles. Because of this, both UL and NFPA strongly recommend use of conductive floor. KOSTAT Vinyl Tile is a high tech material that fully satisfies their specification requirements and needed for the environments of up-to-date industries and living.












*Production, assembling and inspection process on various semiconductors

Production, assembling and laboratory application for electric and electronic products.

*Computer rooms, laboratories

*Clean rooms, electronic exchange office, communication office

*Operation rooms in hospital, pharmaceutical facilities

*Explosives manufacturing plants, dealers of inflammable gases

*Intelligent offices, public facilities

*Other places where electrostatic influence is expected

Feature of tile

*Excellent Conductivity
- Surface and grounding electric resistance (2.5x10E4-1.0x10E9 Ohm)
- Conductive particles formed in special mesh structure have semi permanent service life. They will fully shut down static electricity.

* Good Design
It bears quality tone and a texture resembling natural marble with aesthetic touch.

*Good Durability
It excels in durability and is water resistant and chemical resistant.

*Dust Free Environment
The surface of tile floor has low level of electrostatic potential with free of dust accumulation, making it possible to keep clean and also easy to remove stains.

*Good Load Bearing Capacity
It excels in withstanding heavy loads to include various machines, carts, beds, etc.

*Excellent Resistance To Fire
Being fire-resistant PVC tiles, they help prevent spread of fire.

* Outstanding Properties
Made of top quality material, it provides comfort of stepping on, and because of its flexible nature it does not break easily from an impact.Control of thickness is easy and it does not come undone from the floor.

Technical Specification

Physical Properties

Testing method
Conductive / Dissipative
Standard Size(mm)
Specific gravity
1.5(Floor)/1.7(OA Tile)
Hardeness(shore D)
Abrasion Resistance(mg)
Residual Indentation(%)
Dimensional Stability(%)
No Crack

Electrical Properties

Test Method
STG(Surface to groun)Resistance (ohm)
STS(Surface to groun)Resistance (ohm)
Statice 5kv Decay Time(sec)
Static Generation(volts)with conductive footwear

Chemical/Contaminant Resistance

Test Method
5% Acetic Acid
No Defect
Soybean oil
No Defect
5% Hydrochloric Acid
No Defect
No Defect
5% Nitric Acid
No Defect
Cement Paste
No Defect
5% Ammonia Solution
No Defect
No Defect
5% Ethy Alcohol
No Defect
Soy Sause
No Defect

Test Method :ASTM-F-925


Installatio procedure

1 The floor must be thy, free of any alien materials and level. (reference: should maintain a level surface over a length of 3m with a maximum offset of about 3mm)

2 Concrete floor must be smoothed and when copper tapes are to applied to ceramic tiles and wooder floor, any holes, cracks, gaps. etc. should be completely clogged with filler.

3 Tile and adhesive should be stored on the site under normal temperature(25t) for at least 24 hours pnorto beginning installation and shall be stored under normal temperature(25 t)for at least 48 hours after completion of work.

4 Tile of same LOT should be used for repeated process.

5 It is strongly recommended to use adhesive approved by this firm, and a thorough mixing is required before use.
. Size of adhesive applying spatula (groove intervals: 1.0mm, groove width: 2.0mm, groove height: 2.0mm)
. Using appropriate size spatula, apply conductive adhesive evenly over the floor.
. To ensure good cohesion, be sure to keep open time(15 minutes) and finish work within workable period of tirne(1 hour).

6 Upon elapse of drying time for adhesive, tiles are to be pressed while working toward outside from th middle of tile alignment line.

7 For welding, V-shape groove in the depth of about 2/3 tile thickness will be made along tile joints wilE 48 hours have left following the laying work of tiles and adhesive has hardened.

8 Using PVC welding rod of 3-4mm diameter, welding is performed with welder.

9 Any protruding parts in welded area will be cutoff with knife to become flush with adjacent areas.

10 When additional 24 hours have lapsed following the completion of the above processes, the finishec surface will be cleaned off with neutral detergent using a sponge.

11 Upon completion of laying processes, entire area will be evenly pressed with a roller weighing 80kg for perfect adhesiveage and seating.


.Any excessive adhesive remnant on the finished tile surface must be cleaned oft with a soft cloth before being dried.

. Care should be taken not to expose the finished surface to the sun, heat or temperature above 30C before adhesive is properly hardened(48 hours), for there is a risk of undesirable material expansion.

.Do not walk on the finished floor until adhesive has completely gone through a hardening process that normally takes 48 hours.


KOSTAT Tiles primarily used for eliminating static electricity and should therefore be grounded so that any absorbed electricity can be discharged to outside. The method of grounding can be selected depending on the site conditions and preference of user.

Use of grounding terminals on building
Route the copper tape(copper wire) of sufficient length remaning from laying work toward grounding terminal and connect to ground card for final installation at the ground terminal.

Where no grounding terminal is present
Connect to ground mode via steel steel structure on the site.

. Never apply wax on the surface of products.
. Sand or any other alien material should be removed from the floor since they may cause damage to the surface.
. The product is susceptible to filth from asphalt, lip stick, some adhesive material, rubber wheels and rubber-backed carpets, and should be protected from lighted cigarettes.
. Any dirt can be removed by usinq neutral deterqent, but the deterqent should be removed by wiping the affected area with lightly wet cloth.


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